The BC Supreme Court has clarified when a suspension of a society’s director is not a removal, and provided an example of when director discipline may occur without the court’s intervention under the provisions of the Society Act, R.S.B.C 1996, c. 433 (the “Act”).
Tag: Director Removal
Directors: Qualification, Disqualification, and Removal
The new BC Societies Act (the “Act”) contains express provisions on the qualification and disqualification of directors. These provisions should be understood by the membership, potential and current directors, and those working with not-for-profit organizations.
Directors: Roles and Responsibilities Clarified
Under the BC Societies Act (the “Act”), directors of a society have clarified roles and responsibilities. Directors must manage and supervise the activities and internal affairs of the society, subject to the Act, the regulations, and the bylaws. Like most modern corporate statutes, the functions and duties of directors are now set out in the Act.